Yuri Pattison
Yuri Pattison

Yuri Pattison, born in Dublin in 1986, is a distinctive voice among a new generation of artists and intellectuals who meld hard and soft realities to shape practices deeply embedded in the 21st century. Residing and working between Paris and London, Pattison is a dynamic artist specializing in sculpture and digital media. His work critically examines the visual culture of digital economies and explores the nuances of skill sharing in both online and offline environments. Pattison's creative output often includes detailed lists of materials and components, reminiscent of items declared at border security—ranging from "custom made perspex 1U format box, server PSU & switch" to "AI: The Tumultuous History of the Search for Artificial Intelligence" by Daniel Crevier, and even "dust, sebum," signaling a deep engagement with both the physical and conceptual aspects of modern digital life. His career includes numerous solo exhibitions, notably at mother’s tankstation with his fourth show, "clock speed (the world on time)," in London (2022). In 2016, Pattison was the recipient of the prestigious Frieze Artist Award, leading to the major new commission "Insights (crisis trolley)." His works have been critically recognized and included in significant curatorial projects such as "The Weight of Data" at Tate Britain (2015) and "One Escape at a Time" at the 11th Seoul Mediacity Biennale (2021). Looking ahead, Pattison will continue to explore the intersections of technology, space, and society with his off-site solo exhibition "dream sequence" at Temple Bar Gallery, set to open in Dublin in the summer of 2024.